Neuerscheinung (Open Access):
Ein Artikel von Dr. Daniel Vorpahl findet sich in dem bei Brill Schöningh erschienen Sammelband Experiencing the Hebrew Bible: Spotlights on History and Tradition. Der Beitrag mit dem Titel "The Gendering Garden" untersucht mit poststrukturalistischem Ansatz die Funktionsweisen und Konsequenzen binärer Denkstruktur im biblischen Schöpfungsmythos im Hinblick auf die Konstruktion von Geschlechterrollen bis in Rabbinica und zeitgenössische Jugendliteratur. Der Sammelband, mit weiteren spannenden Beiträgen von Emanuel Tov, Laurence H. Schiffman und anderen, ist open access zugänglich unter:
Publikation: 10. März 2025
Further information can be found here. →
Further information can be found here. →
Maimon, Cohen, Cassirer | Kantianism in its relationship to Judaism
International Conference | December 16–18, 2024
Violence and non-violence in Judaism and Christianity
Further information and the conference programme can be found here
On Saturday, 18.5.24, the free opening event of the group exhibition "Echoes of the Future", which will be shown at the Biosphäre Potsdam from 18 May to 31 August 2024, will also take place as part of the conference.Info
SJT Talks Series - summer semester 2024
Program: 22.05.2024 - from 2-4pm : Prof. Idan Dershowitz "The Divine Names in the Hebrew Bible"
Ringvorlesung Jewish Theopolitics: Considering the Rising Right In Israel and Beyond
Program: Ringvorlesung SoSe 2024 Theopolitics
Statement Regarding Current Allegations of Sexual Harassment at the Abraham Geiger College
The School of Jewish Theology is appalled by the alleged sexual harassment at one of our partner institutions, the Abraham Geiger College, that has recently come to light. The Abraham Geiger College has found that an employee of theirs — who also taught as an adjunct in our study program — sexually harassed students on at least two occasions, leading to his termination. We are profoundly regretful for the harmful experiences to which these students have been subjected as well as for the insufficient protection they have received.
In 2020, the School of Jewish Theology instituted a new “Respectful Treatment and Protection from Discrimination” policy to promote a safe and equitable work and study environment. Needless to say, the cases that have come to light, as well as the published allegations of abuse of power, highlight the limitations of such institutional guidelines; we must all strive to realize their objectives even in the face of resistance. Harassment, violence, and discrimination in any form, as well as the abuse of power, have no place in the School of Jewish Theology and will not be tolerated.
Along with many others, we demand an independent, thorough and transparent investigation of all accusations and suspected cases of harassment and abuse of power at the Abraham Geiger College and the University of Potsdam, and we commit to actively support such a process. We also offer our full support to our students. If you have pertinent information to share, or if you would like to discuss the current allegations for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact the Student Council, trusted faculty members, or the Equal Opportunity Officer of the Faculty of Arts.
The members of the School of Jewish Theology
"Through Knowledge to Faith"
On the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Berlin College for the Science of Judaism.
Tuesday, 3 May 2022, 6.30 p.m.
Einstein Hall of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Jägerstr. 22-23, 10117 Berlin)
»Now I can prove myself as a rabbi«
From now on, Jewish refugees from Ukraine will be allowed to immigrate to Germany more easily. The local communities are helping them - and also the Ukrainian rabbinical student Alexander Kovtun.
The European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment
is pleased to announce its seventh international conference
Friday May 12 to Sunday May 14, 2023 | Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
A House for Jewish Theology.
Architectural guide
In 1758, Carl von Gontard built the Royal Court Gardener's House and the Orangerie at the Neues
Palais Potsdam. It was rebuilt and renovated for the Abraham Geiger Kolleg at the University of Potsdam, which was founded in 1999. Thus, in 2021, Europe's first rabbinical seminary after the Shoah has found its spatial home at the Sanssouci Palace Park.
The School of Jewish Theology, established in 2013, and the conservative Zacharias Frankel College are also located here. Together they form a unique European centre of Jewish scholarship.
The spiritual centre for the training of rabbis and cantors is Potsdam's first synagogue after the Second World War, with a contemporary work of art by the South Korean SEO.
The historical ensemble is given a further contemporary accent by Eva Leitolf's work "This Is Not a Thornbush" on the southern glass front of the Orangerie. The book presents this exciting interplay of history and exciting interplay of history and modernity.
Anne-M. Brenker, Walter Homolka (Hrsg.): Ein Haus für Jüdische Theologie. Architekturführer.
128 Seiten, vierfarbig, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
Verlagsgruppe Patmos, Ostfildern 2021
ISBN 978-3-8436-1272-2, 20,- €.
Artikel: »An international lighthouse«
Centre of Jewish Scholarship opens at Neues Palais - with Potsdam's first synagogue since the war.
An interview with Rabbi Prof. Dr. Walter Homolka can be found here.
AGK alumna news:
Sveta Kundish performs psalm 130 in Hebrew ("Shir ha-ma'alot") on a brand new CD , on the famous ECM label.
The Book of Jonah through the ages - an interview
Religious Studies scholar Dr. Daniel Vorpahl researches the reception history of biblical texts - an interview
Le Livre de la conaissance de Moïse Maïmonide. Lectures et éxplications
Seminar in French
Prof. D. Krochmalnik
Monday 18-20 Uhr
Zoom-Meeting-ID: 869-290-5360
no ID
Swedish Synagogue Architecture (1795–1870) and the Cultural Milieu of the Early Jewish Immigrants to Sweden
19 April 2021 09:00 to 17:00 | Seminar
Symposium on Swedish Synagogue Architecture (1795–1870) and the Cultural Milieu of the Early Jewish Immigrants to Sweden, April 19 (via zoom). The symposium is organized by the University of Potsdam, the Institute of Jewish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and the CTR. More information can be found here.
Please register with us online in advance of the event.

Prof. Idan Dershowitz ’research on the parting words of Moses
The current research by Idan Dershowitz, Professor of Hebrew Bible and Exegesis at the School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam
Training as a Jewish scholar
»As an aspiring rabbi, if I don't talk about queerness in Judaism, no one will«.

The Life of the Book of Jonah
New Publication: Daniel Vorpahl’s Biography of the Book of Jonah
In mid-December the dissertation of Daniel Vorpahl was published under the title Aus dem Leben des Buches Jona: Rezeptionswissenschaftliche Methodik und innerjüdischer Rezeptionsdiskurs in the prestigious De Gruyter-series Studies of the Bible and Its Reception. Instead of common descriptive insights on a vaguely determined reception history, Daniel Vorpahl examines transmission-dynamical negotiation processes of the early Jewish and Rabbinic reception-discourse. Thereby, Vorpahl detects in his book on which intent and under which transmission-dynamical consequences the Book of Jonah was received during changing socio-cultural contexts. In order to distinguish it from a history of interpretation and a history of effects Vorpahl understands history of reception as a field of work and not as the object of his research. Following a specially developed method, receptions of Jonah are contextualized from a discourse-analytical perspective and examined comparatively along standardized analytical categories. Thereby Daniel Vorpahl’s work incorporates historical-critical approaches of the New Historicism as well as methodological principles from the comparative literary studies and religious studies together with theories of intertextuality. The result is a detailed image detail of a vivid inner-Jewish reception-discourse as well as a valuable method for future studies of reception.
Rabbinical Ordination of Zacharias Frankel College
On October 25, 2020, our former students N. Olhoeft and J. Weiner were ordained rabbis.
+++Living Library of Jewisch Texts
SEFARIA Explore 3,000 years of Jewish texts in Hebrew and English translation.
Dear instructors and colleagues,
Due to the surge in use of the DFN’s tried-and-tested web conferencing services (, considerable congestion has developed in recent weeks that the DFN cannot quickly resolve, despite expanding its capacities. The University of Potsdam has therefore acquired a campus license for Zoom as part of its emergency measures. More information and background are available at:
The Zoom campus license allows all UP students and employees to initiate audio and video events with up to 300 active participants. For larger events, webinar licenses are also available for a maximum of 500 active participants and 10,000 viewers.
Because the connection of our account administration still needs to be approved by Zoom, direct registration via the Zoom website using your ‘long-form’ email address is currently not required to use the software.
# If you do not know your long-form email address, please sign in to Moodle ( and click in the upper right on "Show Profile." The long form of your email address will be shown, e.g.: peter.kostaedtuuni-potsdampde
# If you have already created a Zoom account using your email address in the past, please sign in to Zoom:
After you have signed in to Zoom on your browser, please sign out using the profile icon in the upper right and sign in again. After signing in you will be shown an interim page where you can access the University of Potsdam account. Your profile data and scheduled meetings will remain unchanged.
If you originally created your account using the short form of your email address (e.g. kostaedtuuni-potsdampde), please enter your long-form email address in your profile under "Sign-In Email."
# If you are not yet a Zoom user, please register once with the long form of your email address under:
You will then receive a confirmation email from Zoom with a button "Access Account," which you must click.
Further information and support for Zoom can be found on the Online Teaching 2020 websites at:
The Central Service Address is available to answer questions at: zim-serviceuuni-potsdampde
Best wishes for a successful start in online teaching,
Peter Kostädt, CIO
Tilo Köhn, Director, ZIM
+++ Kursangebote Wochenplan
Werte Studentenschaft
unter diesem Link findet ihr eine Kursangebotsübersicht als Wochenplan.
Werte Gasthörer*innen, auch für Sie besteht natürlich die Möglichkeit an den Online-Seminaren teilzunehmen. Kontaktieren Sie bitte dazu den/die Dozent/in. Eine Einschreibung in die digitale Lernplattform moodleist über dieses Formular möglich:
Gestalten Sie sich ein kreatives Semester und bleiben Sie gesund!
+++ LESEhilfe
»Liebe Student*innen und Freund*innen der School of Jewish Theology,
da die Corona-Pandemie der Einen oder dem Anderen eine erhöhte Schreibtätigkeit ermöglicht, möchte ich euch heute auf die vereinfachten Anmeldeverfahren der Staatsbibliothek Berlin
und der Bayrischen Staatsbibliothek
Für beide Bibliotheken fallen keine Grundgebühren an, und ihr könnt online auf umfangreiche Datenbanken zugreifen.
Außerdem ist der Otzar ha-Hohma bis auf weiteres kostenlos geöffnet:
Ich wünsche euch allen eine stabile Gesundheit -
viele Grüße aus dem Homeoffice euer Johannes
Since the corona pandemic enables more people to write, I would like to inform you today about the simplified registration procedure for the Berlin State Library
and the Bavarian State Library
Clues. There are no basic fees for both libraries, and you can access extensive databases online.
In addition, the Otzar ha-Hohma is open free of charge until further notice: «
Dank an Johannes für die Information.
+ + + Einschränkungen wegen Corona-Pandemie
Informationen für Studierende der School of Jewish Theology
Liebe Studierende,
wie Sie über die offizielle Uni-List schon erfahren haben, ist der gesamte Universitätsbetrieb der Universität Potsdam wegen der Corona-Pandemie bis mindestens zum 19. April 2020 stark eingeschränkt.
Nach bisherigem Stand beginnt die Vorlesungszeit des Sommersemesters erst am 20. April 2020.
Eventuell werden die Vorlesungen und Seminare im Sommersemester online anlaufen. Wenn dies der Fall sein sollte, erhalten Sie rechtzeitig Informationen, auf welchen Plattformen dies geschehen soll.
Aktuelle Informationen zum Studium und den Prüfungsleistungen finden Sie unter dem folgendem Link, diese werden regelmäßig aktualisiert:
Die Professor*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen der School of Jewish Theology
sind wie gewohnt bis dahin über E-Mail oder Telefon erreichbar. Sprechstunden finden vorläufig nicht statt.
Sollten Sie Fragen zu Ihren Modularbeiten, BA-Arbeiten oder MA-Arbeiten haben, kontaktieren Sie bitte die zuständigen Betreuer*innen dieser Arbeiten per E-Mail.
Bei allgemeinen Fragen zum Studienablauf, zur Studienberatung wenden Sie sich bitte an Martin Kujawa: kujawauuni-potsdampde, Tel. 01719443098,
und zu Prüfungsangelegenheiten an Netanel Olhoeft: netanel.olhoeftuuni-potsdampde
Restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic Information
for School of Jewish Theology students
Dear Students,
As you have seen from the official UP list, the functioning of the entire University of Potsdam is now severely restricted due to the coronavirus pandemic until at least 19 April 2020. According to the most recent update, courses for the summer semester will not begin until 20 April 2020.
There is a chance that courses and seminars for the summer semester may have to take place online. If this is indeed the case, you will be informed as soon as possible about which platforms will be utilized for this.
Current information on study programs and examinations can be found at the following link, which will be updated regularly:
Until then, School of Jewish Theology faculty and staff will be reachable via email or telephone as usual. Office hours have been temporarily cancelled.
For questions regarding module essays or BA/MA theses, please approach your designated supervisor via email. Please address general questions about study programs or advising to Martin Kujawa: kujawauuni-potsdampde, tel. 01719443098,
and specific questions about examinations to Netanel Olhoeft: netanel.olhoeftuuni-potsdampde + + +
New Publication: Christologie zwischen Judentum und Christentum - Jesus, der Jude aus Galiläa, und der christliche Erlöser
Edited by Christian Danz, Kathy Ehrensperger and Walter Homolka
Seventy years of Jewish-Christian dialogue has found surprisingly little resonance in Christian Systematic Theology. This insight was the basis of a conference in Vienna where exegetes and systematicians of Roman-Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish Theology intensively engaged in discussing the question: how can Christian traditions credibly speak of Jesus Christ without denigrating Judaism or appropriating it for their own ends? Arising from findings of contemporary exegesis, the volume presents a variety of diverse approaches to Christology that take Jesus the Jew seriously, and are willing to recognize Judaism in a manner characterized by mutual acceptance and esteem.
Further information can be found here.