Dr. Yehuda Oren
Dr. Yehuda Oren
Research assistant
Campus Am Neuen Palais / House 15, Room 1.05
E-mail: yehuda.orem@uni-potsdam.de
Tel.: (+49)331/977-4359
Consultation hours:
Please make an appointment by e-mail as well as the desired medium (telephone, Skype, Zoom, etc.).
Brief academic biography:
Yady Oren received his BA in Philosophy and Psychology from the Open University of Israel. He wrote his Master's thesis at Bar-Ilan University on Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre of 1794. He completed his Ph.D. studies at Bar-Ilan University with a dissertation on "Plotinus and Fichte: Self-Consciousness and the Absolute". He has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Rosenzweig Center in Jerusalem, the Augustana Hochschule Neuendettelsau, and KU Leuven. He has worked and published on Plotinus, Kant, Maimon, Fichte, Hegel, Cohen, and Kook.