Talmud and Rabbinical Literature
Talmud and rabbinic literature
»Moses received the Torah at Sinai and transmitted it to Joshua, Joshua to the elders, and the elders to the prophets, and the prophets to the Men of the Great Assembly. They said three things: Be patient in [the administration of] justice, raise many disciples and make a fence round the Torah.«(Mischna Avot, 1:1)
The Chair of Talmud and Rabbinic Literature is concerned with research and teaching of the oral Torah under philological, literary, historical, legal and philosophical aspects. The literature studied includes the oral Torah literature of all generations: the Tannaitic literature (Mishnah, Tosefta, and Halakhishe Midrashim), the literature of the Amoreans (Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud), the Aggada literature, and the rabbinic literature, from the conclusion of the Talmudic writings until today.
In the courses offered, students learn about approaches and methods of academic research in many areas: the world of faith and the opinions of rabbis, Jewish holidays and festivals, topics from Order Nezikin, theology and gender, halakhah and bioethics, or halakhah and modernity. Students read sources and research literature and engage with the issues and problems that arise from scholarly research of the texts. They acquire research tools and practice their use.
The course is designed for those who wish to gain an in-depth understanding of rabbinic literature. Study content is tailored to each student individually and in accordance with existing knowledge, skills, and interests.
Our faculty is characterized by an open, respectful, and enriching atmosphere, allowing believers to freely engage in research and critical inquiry. Believers, agnostics, and atheists benefit from meeting in our academic environment.
Prof. Dr. Admiel Kosman
Campus Am Neues Palais / Haus 15, Raum 1.01
E-Mail: kosman@uni-potsdam.de , admiel.kosman@googlemail.com , להתקשרות לאדמיאל קוסמן גם בעברית
Tel.: (+49)331/977-1204
Fax: (+49)331/977-1193
Mondays 18:00-19:00, please schedule a meeting in advance.
Vereinbaren Sie bitte vorab einen Termin.
Academic Staff
Dr. Ronen Pinkas
Campus Am Neuen Palais / Haus 15, Raum 1.06
E-Mail: pinkasuuni-potsdampde
Telefon: +49 (0) -331-977-4325
Office hours:
Mondays 14:00-15:00, please schedule a meeting in advance.
Vereinbaren Sie bitte vorab einen Termin.

Dr. Uri Ganani
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Building 15
Room 1.02
consulting hours
by appointment